Online service for transport flows simulation, a signals times calculation
for traffic lights and coordination plans also known as "green wave".

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The main window of the software for transport flows simulationAvenue 2.0

What is it and why?

AvenueApp 2.0 - this is a simple, accessible service for traffic flows simulation, development of traffic light's program and optimization of plans of coordination.

Редактор модели

Create any model online!

You do not need to install complicated and expensive program to calculate the phases of the traffic light and simulation of traffic flow. The model editor works in modern versions of any browser. All models are stored on the server and is always available to you.

You can work with multiple transport models, to copy parts of some models. Quickly calculate optimal cycle for an isolated intersection, and calculate a transport delay and queue lengths at all approaches of intersection.

The time space diagram, graph-analytical method, green wave

Routes and charts.

You can group part of the network to one or more of the routes on which a chart is built automatically time-path and the tape non-stop time travel - "green wave".

The results of the automatic optimization can be edited directly on the chart. Dragging chart of signals at the intersection with the mouse. Graph-analytical method of calculation of programs coordination online

Green wave


The traffic cycle length calculation

The calculation of the optimal traffic cycle length & phases duration at an isolated intersection. The saturation of the phases, the green signal timing, the number of overloaded stop lines.  Automatic calculation of the transport delay at the intersection. Complex clearnce time and visualization of phase out flows directions at the intersection.

HTTP API Integrations

Make requests on calculation or optimization of any model you can not only in your browser, but also from your software with Avenue-2.0 HTTP API.

API Docs An example CURL request


Copyright © 2017, AvenueApp - the web-service of transport flows simulation and calculation of traffic signalization